ATACseq Snakemake: Snakemake pipeline for ATAC-seq data processing and analyses. unmantained
plotmics: functions to visualize omics and sequencing data.
ggmitji: cool functions for ggplots.
crhomHMMviewR: ggplot2-based functions that draw heatmaps from ChromHMM output data.
Shiny apps
DPomics: shiny app designed to visualize omics data from the Pasini Lab (RNA-seq and ChIP-seq). ongoing
DNApp: simple shiny app with several DNA-related tools. ongoing
DNAme: shiny app designed for learning purposes that converts a word to a DNA sequence.
Custom R functions: simple R functions to solve diverse problems I am finding every day.
Docker files with software needed to run some of my code.
Useful bash: useful bash functions and scripts.
Rosalind problems: my solutions (Python) to some of the problems of the ROSALIND project.