
Visualize omics and sequancing data in R
R package ggplot Omics
Adrià Mitjavila on June 23, 2021 Edited on October 05, 2021

Look at the source code here.

Look at the documentation here.

plOtMICS is an R package to visualize omics and sequencing data in R using simple but useful functions:

Install plotmics

To install plotmics, you have to run:

# install the devtools package from CRAN (only if you don't have it)
if(!require(devtools)){ install.packages("devtools"); library(devtools) }

# install plotmics from the GitHub repository

If you want to use plotmics, go to the documentation to see how to run each function.


plotmics versions have the structure of 1.2.3. The first number (1, major) implies the addition of a function and/or major changes in the packages; the second number (2,minor) implies the addition of new features to a function and possible corrections; the third number (3, micro) implies the correction of minor bugs or addition of minor features.

The version history of plotmics is shown below:

  • v1.0.0:

    • First version.

  • v1.1.0:
    • Rescale ggVennPeaks() output to remove blank space around the Venn diagram.
    • Add possibility to scale (scale()) data by rows or columns in expressionHeatmap() and expressionHeatmap2().

  • v1.1.1:
    • Add minor formatting options in expressionHeatmap() and expressionHeatmap2(), such as the possibility to remove the gene names, change sizes of texts and titles, change the color of the border of each cell, etc.
    • Add minor changes in ggVennPeaks() in order to make it easier to visualize more peaks sets.

  • v1.1.2:
    • Change chromosome filtering method in chromReads().
    • Allow dataframes without DEG column as input for volcanoPlot().
    • Change scale = FALSE for scale = "none" in volcanoPlot().

  • v1.1.3:
    • Fix error in labelling of expressionHeatmap() and expressionHeatmap2().

  • v1.1.4:
    • Add possibility to color the NA values in expressionHeatmap() and expressionHeatmap2().
    • Change title format in barDEGs().

  • v2.0.0 (2021-09-22):
    • Add new function chromRegions().

  • v2.1.0 (2021-09-26):
    • Allow chromRegions() to take a list of regions as input.
    • Allow chromRegions() to order the region sets.

  • v3.0.0 (2021-09-28):
    • Add new function circleRegions().
    • Allow chromRegions() to color by different parameters.
    • Allow chromRegions() to add extra info.
    • Allow chromRegions() to remove or change size of text in the Y axis.

  • v3.0.1 (2021-09-30):
    • Fix a minor bug about plotting the chromosome labels in circleRegions().
    • Fix a minor bug in ggVennPeaks() that caused a intersection with one region more than expected.
    • Remove pkgcond from required packages of getVennCounts().

  • v3.1.0 (2021-10-04):
    • Allow ggVennPeaks() and getVennCounts() to consider strand information.


This package has been developed by Adrià Mitjavila Ventura, with some contributions from dfernandezperez

If you want to contribute to this package, post an issue in this repository or fork it adding your code and do a pull request.


If you use this package, please cite this repository and give it a star.