Change the theme of the strips
Change the theme of the strips (only X axis strips).
Change the theme of the strips (only Y axis strips).
bg_fill = "white",
bg_color = "black",
bg_linetype = "solid",
text_face = "plain",
text_color = "black",
text_size = 9
bg_fill = "white",
bg_color = "black",
bg_linetype = "solid",
text_face = "plain",
text_color = "black",
text_size = 9
bg_fill = "white",
bg_color = "black",
bg_linetype = "solid",
text_face = "plain",
text_color = "black",
text_size = 9
Character of length 1. Color of the background of the strip. Default = "white"
Character of length 1. Color of the line of the strip. Default = "black"
Character of length 1. Line type of the outer line of the strip. Default = "solid"
Character of length 1. Face of the strip text. Default = "plain"
Character of length 1. Color of the strip text. Default = "black"
Numeric of length 1. Size of the strip text. Default = 9