Custom theme for ggplot2 that allows to customize almost everything from the plot, the grid and the text.
It uses other parameters passed through ggplot2::theme()
legend = "right",
title.face = "italic",
title.size = 10,
title.color = "black",
subtitle.face = "plain",
subtitle.size = 9,
subtitle.color = "black",
caption.face = "plain",
caption.size = 7,
caption.color = "black",
strip.text.face = "plain",
strip.text.size = 8,
strip.text.color = "black",
axis.text.face = "plain",
axis.text.size = 8,
axis.text.color = "black",
x.text.angle = 90,
clean.x.axis = F,
remove.x.axis = F,
clean.y.axis = T,
remove.y.axis = F,
add.h.grid = T,
add.v.grid = F