Last updated: 2023-01-04
draws an Venn diagram plot with the intersections between different sets of peaks using the function getVennCounts()
(which calls ChIPpeakAnno::makeVennDiagram()
) and the ggvenn
Look at the ggvenn
package documentation.
Look at the makeVennDiagram()
function documentation.
As input, ggVennPeaks()
takes a named list of data frames with the columns seqnames
, start
and end
# read the peak annotation into a list
peak_list <- list.files("../testdata", "peak", full.names = T, recursive = T) %>%
purrr::discard(~stringr::str_detect(string = .x, pattern = "bed")) %>%
purrr::set_names(c("PeakX", "PeakY")) %>%
peak_list[[1]][1:5, 1:7]
## seqnames start end width strand peakID annotation
## 1 chr7 3664442 3664743 302 * peak_2428 Promoter
## 2 chr8 83199578 83200817 1240 * peak_2684 Intron
## 3 chr13 20147802 20148111 310 * peak_696 Intron
## 4 chr4 56639205 56639610 406 * peak_1896 Distal Intergenic
## 5 chr18 61614281 61614892 612 * peak_1373 Distal Intergenic
# Change strand value of some regions
peak_list[[1]][10:30,]$strand = "+"
peak_list[[1]][50:80,]$strand = "-"
peak_list[[1]][90:100,]$strand = "."
peak_list[[2]][10:30,]$strand = "+"
peak_list[[2]][50:80,]$strand = "-"
calls ChIPpeakAnno::makeVennDiagram()
, retrieves the Venn counts (number of overlaps between different sets of peaks) and builds a matrix of the peaks present in each set.
venn_counts <- getVennCounts(peaks = peak_list)
# PeakX PeakY Counts
# [1,] 0 0 0
# [2,] 0 1 70
# [3,] 1 0 977
# [4,] 1 1 23
# attr(,"class")
# [1] "VennCounts"
# peak PeakX PeakY
# peak1 0 1
# peak2 0 1
# peak3 0 1
# peak4 0 1
# peak5 0 1
calls the function getVennCounts()
and builds the Venn diagram using the peak matrix and the ggvenn
As mentioned, ChIPpeakAnno::makeVennDiagram()
is called inside getVennCounts()
. This function may have a unexpected outputs when considering the number of overlaps to build the intersection between different sets of regions. Considering the following example:
we would get 1 unique region from A, one unique region from B and 2 intersections. The sum of any of them is not the total size of A or B.By default, the intersection of two sets of peaks is smaller than expected by looking at one of the sets. Setting true_overlaps = TRUE
will write the number of overlapping regions for each set of peaks (only when two sets are intersected)
ggVennPeaks(peak_list, true_overlaps = T)
ggVennPeaks(peak_list, peak_names = c("Condition 1", "Condition 2"),
title = "This is a title", subtitle = "This is a subtitle")
ggVennPeaks(peak_list, in_fill = c("Green", "Darkred"))
ggVennPeaks(peak_list, in_fill = c("Green", "Darkred"), alpha = .2)
ggVennPeaks(peak_list, out_color = "blue")
ggVennPeaks(peak_list, text_color = "red")
ggVennPeaks(peak_list, name_color = c("red", "blue"))
Since ggVennPeaks()
outputs a ggvenn
-based Venn diagram and ggvenn
is based in ggplot2
, it can be further customized with scales
or theme