Function that takes a list of 2 dataframes with expression data and compares the log2FoldChange values of the two data sets.
List of lenght 2. Must contain data frames with the columns Geneid, log2FoldChange, padj and DEG. Values in 'Geneid' must be the same in both data frames.+
Numeric of lenght 1. Threshold for the log2FoldChange. It is used to draw horizontal and vertical lines. Default: 1.5.
Charachter of indefined lenght or NULL. Genes to be written in the plot. Default: NULL.
Numeric of length 2. The limits of the Y axis. Default: c(-10, 10)
Character of lenght 1. Name of the X axis. Default: "Contrast1"
Character of lenght 1. Name of the Y axis. Default: "Contrast2"
Character of lenght 1. Subtitle of the plot. Default: paste(xlab, "vs", ylab)
Numeric of length 1 to 4. If too short, it will be recycled. Alpha (transparency) value for the vars. Default: 0.7
Character of lenght 1. Title of the plot. Default: "Comparison of Log2FC"
Character of length 1 to 4. If too short, it will be recycled. Colors for each of the corners: top-left, bottom-left, top-right, bottom-right. Default: c("pink", "lightgreen", "cornflowerblue", "yellow")