Function that calls 'getVennCounts' and draws an ggplot2-based upset plot.
ggUpsetPeaks(peaks, conds = names(peaks), conds_order = cond, order_by_freq = T, num_size = 4, title = NULL, subtitle = NULL, caption = NULL)
List of dataframes with the genomic coordinates of the regions to overlap. Dataframes must contain the columns seqnames, start, end.
Character with the same length as the 'peaks' list. The names that are given to the diferente objects in the 'peaks' list. Default: 'names(peaks)'
Character of the same length as 'conds'. Same values as in 'conds' but with the desired order of priority. Default: 'conds'.
Logical of length 1. If TRUE (the default), the intersections are arranged by descending order of size. Default: TRUE.
Numeric of length 1. Size of the labels indicating the size of each intersection. Default: 4.
Character of length 1. Title of the plot. Default: NULL.
Character of length 1. Subtitle of the plot. Default: NULL.
Character of length 1. Caption written at the bottom of the plot. Default: NULL.